What to Do When You’re Unable to Care for an Elderly Parent

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A kind caregiver holds the hand of an elderly parent

Do you plan to take care of your parents as they age? Are you currently caring for elderly parents? If so, you’re not alone. 

Over 40 million Americans are currently unpaid caregivers of adults age 65 and older, 90% of whom are looking after a close family member. 

While you may be managing care for your aging parents now, it’s not easy to know what to do when their care requirements escalate. If you’re struggling to care well, don’t be too hard on yourself! Even the most experienced family caregivers eventually need professional help caring for loved ones.

In this article, you’ll learn about care services that can restore your freedom and peace of mind while keeping your loved one comfortable at home. We’ll also help you decide what to do when you can’t care for an elderly parent alone, and how to get help taking care of elderly parents.

Keep reading to explore your options.

Home Care Can Help Your Aging Parents

When it comes to caring for an elderly parent, their comfort and quality of life are top priorities. But, taking care of elderly parents in your home can cause significant disruptions to your daily life. 

As they age, taking care of your parents can become a concern if they need a higher level of health care than you can provide. 

When you can no longer care for elderly parents, a home care company can help. Professional caregivers can relieve the stress of family caregiving and begin supporting aging parents at home.

Premium home care companies like Stowell Associates can craft an elder care management plan to ensure your loved one gets the best care.

Elder care management considers your loved one’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Care managers create a personal care plan specific to your loved one’s needs, and families get a support system of professionals to help everyone navigate the care transition.

Stowell Associates employs expert care managers who create tailored care solutions and manage complex family dynamics. Our care managers are ready and able to give your family expert advice on elderly parents.

Who Will Take Care of Your Parents?

It can be challenging to support aging parents alone. If you hire a reliable and trustworthy company like Stowell Associates for in-home care, you’ll have a dedicated caregiver on your side.

A professional caregiver will be overseen by a care manager to ensure the highest quality care. You can rest assured that your parents will be in good hands as you go about your regular schedule.

In addition to around-the-clock care, your parents will also receive help with daily activities like transportation, housework, meal preparation, and personal grooming. Stowell Associates employs care professionals specializing in personal care services like feeding, bathing, and incontinence care.

What to Do When You Can No Longer Care for An Elderly Parent

If you’re reading this article because you can no longer care for an aging parent at home – take a deep breath – it’s okay to admit you need help.

You haven’t done anything wrong, and you shouldn’t feel guilty. On the contrary, you’re making the best possible decision for your loved one’s health and safety by seeking assistance.

You may not be able to manage your loved one’s care for various reasons, and no explanation is needed. Stowell Associates offers fully developed care programs, so you can get back to being a family member – not a caregiver. 

Advanced care solutions provide comprehensive senior care for your loved one. Plus, you’ll have a trusted care team offering your loved one the unique, individualized care they need.

Most aging parents need help beyond a family member’s care, but you should never have to worry about negligent care. Stowell Associates’ caregivers are superior, supervised, and certified professionals who care above and beyond.

Return to your role as a child, and escape from the cycle of parenting your parents.

Your care manager and caregiver will work together to help manage complex care situations. These challenges may include dementia care, chronic disease management, behavioral health, palliative care, transitional care, etc. for your loved one.

What to Do When Elderly Parents Refuse Help

If your aging parent doesn’t want to leave their home or accept in-home care, you might be feeling stressed out or frustrated. A refusal for help is a surprisingly common situation and one that many families will eventually face.

Refusing help doesn’t necessarily mean that your parent doesn’t need or want help.

Your aging parent is most likely afraid of change. They may worry that they won’t feel comfortable receiving care, or maybe they’re struggling to accept their limitations. They may even be grappling with changes in their mental health.

The care managers at Stowell Associates can help you communicate the need for additional help to your loved one in a compassionate way. 

What to Do When Your Elderly Parents Need Help? Call Stowell.

One of the most common phone calls we get is, “I need help caring for my mother….” If you can no longer care for an elderly parent, don’t wait. Delaying action will only allow the situation to become worse. 

Our care team is here to support families of aging adults and their loved ones. 

Now that you’re familiar with a few elderly parent care options, call Stowell Associates to see if we’re a good fit for your family.

Before making a final decision, consider whether it’s practical to take care of your parents without in-home assistance. Think about what level of care is needed to keep loved ones safe and comfortable without leaving their home.

Remember, you have nothing to be embarrassed about if you need help with aging parents. Being honest with them and yourself is an essential step toward putting their health and safety first.

Contact us today with your questions about our Milwaukee, Racine, Waukesha, and Kenosha in-home care services.

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