COVID-19 News & Safety

At Stowell Associates, the safety of our clients has been our top priority since 1983. As we face this new disease, our commitment to safety is more important than ever.

COVID-19 Safety

During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are continually implementing and improving safety measures to ensure that staying at home with Stowell is your safest option.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Our team has worked hard to obtain the proper PPE for our caregivers. Our caregivers have everything they need and have been trained on how to utilize this equipment to provide safe care that limits the spread of the disease.


All Stowell employees complete daily screening questionnaires to ensure that anyone with possible COVID-19 exposure is identified.

Communication & Training

In the fight against this disease, we believe knowledge is power. Since March, we have increased our communication with clients, their families, and our caregivers to provide them with timely and reliable disease-related information. Additionally, for our caregivers, we are providing the best training available so that they understand how the disease spreads and how to take appropriate precautions.

Our Offices

Much of our business is now conducted remotely, including meetings, interviews, training classes, and client conferences. Now, as Wisconsin is reopening, we are coordinating schedules to limit the number of people in our offices at any given time. In addition, we have worked with a consultant to evaluate and implement enhanced in-office safety measures.

COVID-19 News & Updates

Creative Engagement

Engagement and connection through the arts can improve quality of life through increased self-esteem and build a sense of purpose and accomplishment. We are fortunate

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