Expert Home Care Management

Our Expert Care Managers are registered nurses and masters-level social workers who create tailored care solutions for our clients and their families.

What is elder Care Management?

Our Care Management is really Life Management for our older and disabled adult clients. Their Person-Centered Care Assessment considers physical, mental and emotional health for Whole-Person Care, and along with directly overseeing our in-home caregivers to ensure the plan is followed accordingly, they manage family dynamics for every client, every step of the way. It’s a collaborative process that’s designed to manage health conditions more effectively.

Elder Care Management

Options for senior care can be complex, especially when there’s a crisis. The solutions and support that our Care Managers provide help you gain clarity, stability and peace of mind at a challenging time for your family.

We provide you with valuable care resources, identify the best options for your individual situation and support you through the decision-making process. Plus, our Care Managers help your family work together on common goals, manage a crisis and monitor a changing situation. 


Professional Care Management Services

Professional Services

  • Senior Housing & Relocation Assistance
  • Supportive Consulting
  • Family Relationship Management
  • Healthcare Crisis Management
  • Coordination of Healthcare
  • Home Safety Evaluations
  • Life Care Management

Specialty Care

  • Dementia Care
  • Creative Engagement
  • Life Choices
  • Behavioral Health
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Transitional Care
  • Parkinson’s Disease 
  • Palliative Care

kind words from our clients & their families

Meet Our Care Team

When you choose Stowell Associates, you’re supported by our entire care team. Our Expert Care Managers are registered nurses and masters-level social workers who create unparalleled, tailored care solutions for our clients and their families.

Care Management FAQ

Professional Care Management is a person-centered approach to solving a variety of everyday problems: care managers coach, advocate, counsel, advise, navigate and problem solve with the disabled or older adult regarding the challenges encountered in later life. At Stowell Associates, our Care Managers are here to answer all your care questions and help you navigate the sometimes muddy waters of home care. Most importantly, we’ll help you answer the question “what now” and ease the stress of caring for a loved one. 

Our Professional Care Managers are educated and experienced nurses and social workers with a specialized expertise in challenges related to aging and elder care. Our Care Managers are nationally certified and members of the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Management, an organization who’s ethics and standards we follow. For additional information about the Association please visit

Care Managers assist individuals and families with many challenges including:

Housing, Transitional Care & Relocation Services – helping families evaluate and select the appropriate residential option and making all the needed arrangements to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Home Care Services – identifying the appropriate home care, arranging for and monitoring those services by assigning the right Stowell Associates’ Caregiver(s).

Medical Care & Coordination Management – attend health care appointments, facilitating communication between provider, client and family and monitoring adherence to medical orders and instructions.

Communication – keeping family members and professionals informed as to the well-being and changing needs of the client.

Social Activities – providing the opportunity for engaging in social, recreational, or cultural activities that enrich life.

Legal – referring to or consulting with legal specialists, providing opinions for courts in determining the level of care or regarding guardianship issues.

Financial – reviewing or overseeing bill paying or consulting with accountants or Power of Attorneys for Finance.

Entitlements – providing information on Federal and State entitlement programs and assisting with the applications as needed.

Safety and Security – monitoring home care, recommending technologies to add to security or safety, observing changes or potential risks of exploitation or abuse and protecting the vulnerable person.

Resources – local, cost-effective resources are identified and engaged as needed.

You need our services if you or a family member have :

Chronic Care Needs: multiple medical, social or psychological issues requiring expert advice.

Conflict: Your family is at odds regarding care decisions.

Discharged: If you or a family member have recently been discharged from a hospital and require (to prevent rehospitalizations).

Don’t Know What to Do: You or someone you care about needs direction about what to do.

Disabled Adult: You are responsible for a family member who is developmentally disabled, suffers from chronic mental illness or is served by a Special Needs Trust.

Dissatisfaction: The person you are caring for is not pleased with current care providers.

Distance: You live at a distance and need someone locally monitor or assist you in providing the needed care for a family member in SE Wisconsin.

Driving: You are concerned about a family member’s ability to drive or you are no longer comfortable driving with them.

Housing: The person you are caring for is unable to live safely in his or her current environment without additional assistance.

Legal: You or the person you are caring for is confused about his or her own financial or legal situation.

Memory: Your family needs education and direction in dealing with behaviors associated with memory loss or dementia.

Neglect: The older person is not paying bills or keeping up with personal, health or household care.

Resources: Your family has limited time or the expertise to deal with a family member’s chronic care needs.

Support System: The person for whom you are responsible has limited or no family support.

Stress: You are feeling burned out or overwhelmed by the level of responsibility and needs of the person you are concerned about.

Medicare, Medicaid and supplemental insurances do not cover care management services.
We work with a variety of Long Term Care Insurance providers to obtain the maximum benefit available to our clients who have this insurance.

Our services are billed by the hour. Call 414- 963-2600 to discuss your specific situation.

Aging Life Care™

The Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) was originally formed in 1985 as the “National Association of Private Geriatric Care Managers® (NAPGCM).” Our Care Managers are Aging Life Care™ Experts, and their careers have been devoted to the care of disabled and older adults. Each is a nationally certified care manager.

We work regularly with health care providers, lawyers, trust officers and community service programs. We can direct you to government services for which you may be eligible and help you with obtaining long term care insurance benefits you are entitled to receive.

Contact Stowell Associates for Care Solutions

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