How to Find Help With Dementia Care

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In this blog, we discuss how to get help for family members with dementia

Often, elderly adults with dementia don’t think anything’s wrong. They want to continue living their life just as they have been for years. However, living with dementia at home alone is unsafe. Having said that, it’s often unrealistic for concerned family members to become live-in caregivers. You may need a third party to assist you and your aging family member.

Whichever stage of dementia your parent is in, caring for them can be difficult. Symptoms, such as memory loss, worsen over time and further impair their ability to function normally. As the disease progresses, it will become more and more challenging to care for them without professional dementia help.

If you’re wondering how to get help for someone with dementia, this blog is for you. Here’s what to expect as you read:

  • How to get help for family members with dementia
  • Services for elderly adults with dementia

Local resources for dementia (Wisconsin)

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Services for Elderly Adults With Dementia

There are a few types of care available for aging loved ones depending on the level of dementia help needed. All of the following services for elderly adults with dementia will help you carry the burden of care as a family caregiver.

Adult Day Care

In the beginning stages of dementia, you may be able to take your elderly loved one to an adult day care center. This option allows you to drop them off and pick them back up at a later time, giving you a break and/or the ability to work. However, adult day care is a short-term plan. As your parent’s dementia gets worse, they will not only need oversight but a higher level of care.

Respite Care

In the U.S., there are 53 million adults who care for someone full-time. Without taking time away from caregiving, family caregivers will inevitably burn out. Respite care provides short-term care for primary caregivers. You can arrange this type of care for a few hours, days, or even weeks. Respite care can also be provided as an extra layer of support to loved ones in an adult day care center.

In-home Care

With the right level of support, those with dementia can safely age in place. Specialized care is available to seniors diagnosed with specific types of dementia. For instance, our partner TheKey provides in-home Alzheimer’s care. Their memory care experts train and oversee caregivers so your loved one receives the kinds of dementia help they need.

24-hour In-home Care

When a loved one’s dementia advances, requiring around-the-clock care, it’s time to consider 24-hour in-home care. 24-hour care services for the elderly with dementia provides a rotation of caregivers who look after your loved one all day and night. Since 24-hour caregivers rotate every 8 to 12 hours, you don’t have to worry about a lapse in care or a weary caregiver.

Support for Families Who Need Help With Dementia Care

Finding elder care services to help with dementia care is only one part of the equation. Families also need support, guidance, and resources as they walk through the progression of their loved one’s illness. The best person to help you manage your elderly parent’s care is a geriatric care manager.

Geriatric care managers have two primary roles: to be a support system for families and to advocate for senior loved ones.

The geriatric care manager will first perform a “whole-person assessment.” This means that they will gauge your loved one’s mental health along with their physical, emotional, and sometimes even spiritual wellbeing. They may also assess their environment (e.g., relationships, living situation, safety). 

Once complete, your dedicated geriatric care manager will help you develop a care plan. As your loved one’s needs evolve, they will adjust the care plan to accommodate new developments.

Geriatric care managers help families in a myriad of ways. Here are just a few:

  • Coordinate senior healthcare
  • Mediate tense family situations
  • Create long- and short-term care plans
  • Advocate for older adults
  • Assist with housing and relocation
  • Guide the decision-making process

Local Community Services for Dementia Patients and Families in Wisconsin

If you’re researching “services for dementia patients near me” and you live in Wisconsin, you’ve found your answer. As Wisconsin’s premier geriatric care management company, Stowell Associates collaborates with TheKey to provide families and their aging loved ones with the care they need. 

For 20 years, TheKey has delivered quality in-home care to seniors with a range of age-related conditions. At Stowell, our team of elder care managers is equipped with the experience and credentials to support and resource family caregivers like you. We manage complex situations every day, so we’re prepared to help with whatever challenges you’re facing.

Contact us today to speak with our Care Team.

In-home elder care solutions in Southeastern Wisconsin

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