Healthy Steps for More Energy

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Maintaining your energy level during COVID-19 can be difficult.

Continuing with our theme of wellness, here is some advice on energy from a friend of Stowell’s, Sarah Philipp. Sarah is the founder and owner of Abundeliciousa wellness company that offers one-on-one nutrition and wellness consulting, retreats, and corporate wellness. Be sure to visit her blog for more wonderful health tips and delicious recipes.

Right now, most of us are struggling with low energy and brain fog. Many circumstances are beyond our control, but we can still use this time as an opportunity to practice tools that will serve us well for the rest of our lives. Of course, sleep is directly connected to energy and focus; however, I want to focus on the things we can control today that will help us regain some of our brainpower.


Commit to hydration

This is one of the many struggles for people who come to work with me. It’s one of our most powerful tools, yet it is one we rarely utilize. Drinking water keeps our organs functioning efficiently (aka disease fighting) and is one of our main sources of oxygen. Oxygen is energy, so when we aren’t getting enough through breathing and water, our body turns to food. This usually results in sugar/carb cravings and a dependency on caffeine.



It’s amazing what a few deep breaths can do for alertness. We hear a lot about breathing for relaxation, but breathing is also a useful way to harness more energy. With relaxation breathing, we focus more on a slow and long exhale. For energy, just flip that. Take a deep inhale through the nose and hold that breath in for a few seconds. Then, exhale through the nose or mouth. We can also get oxygen through our food. Try incorporating oxygen-rich foods such as blueberries, artichokes, tomatoes, raw cacao, avocados, raw seeds, and fresh herbs. Antioxidants also help protect the body from the damages of stress.


Meal Timing

Food is FUEL. When we skip breakfast, snack through lunch, and then make dinner our main meal of the day, our day is backwards.  We are fasting for action and fueling for sleep. Make sure to set the tone for your day with a breakfast and/or lunch that is grounded in protein.


B Vitamins

B Vitamins are involved in energy production. Unfortunately, as we age, we absorb less of these vitamins, so supplementation with a high-quality and methylated product may be necessary. 


Energy Zappers

Perfectionism, relationships, computer screens, and chronic feelings of being overwhelmed can all deplete us of energy. Get clarity on what these factors might be and how much time you’re spending exposed to them.

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