Falls Prevention

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Everyone slips, trips or falls occasionally. One out of five falls causes a severe injury such as broken bones or a head injury. Over 700,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury. Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries. Each year, 2.5 million older people are treated in emergency departments for falls.

There are simple ways to help reduce your risk for falls, including:

  • Asking your healthcare provider to evaluate your risk for falls.
  • Doing exercises that strengthen legs and improve balance.
  • Having your eyes checked by an eye doctor at least once a year.
  • Wearing clothing that does not bunch up or drag on the ground.

You can do several things in your home to reduce the risk of falling, including:

  • Making sure your home has adequate lighting, particularly in stairways and narrow hallways.
  • Removing clutter such as stacks of newspapers and magazines.
  • Wearing shoes or non-slip socks that have grips on the soles of the feet.
  • Getting rid of scatter rugs or putting two-sided tape on the bottom of them since they can be trip hazards.
  • Making sure the pathway from your bedroom to your bathroom is well lit and clear (use nightlights if the space does not allow for lamps).
  • Installing grab bars and handrails in your bathrooms, showers and bathtubs.
  • Moving coffee tables, magazine racks and plant stands from high-traffic areas.

A Stowell Home Safety Evaluation can help make your home safer.  For more information, call Jennifer Paddock at 414.963.2600.



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