Covid-19 requires that we be vigilant with safety and prevention methods, while also preparing for potential illness. There is no time better than this present moment to organize and review important documents. If you show any signs of Covid-19 (fever, cough, and shortness of breath), you will want to have the following information readily accessible.
- Do you have your primary care provider’s contact information (name, address and phone number) readily available?
- Does your primary care provider have telehealth capabilities, and do you know how to access them?
- Do you have a list of specialists with their contact information?
- Do you have a list of important contacts and their relationship or role?
- Who is your emergency contact and their relationship to you?
- Do you have a current list of medical diagnoses?
- Do you have a current list of your medications?
- Do you have a copy of your health care power of attorney (HCPOA) readily available?
- Do you have your personal identification and insurance information readily available?
- If you are a Stowell client, do you know how to contact a member of your care team?
Being informed and prepared is our best defense against the novel coronavirus Covid-19. Stowell Care Managers are available to assist you in consolidating this information, so it is easily accessible should you need it.