​Interfaith Announces 2017 Award Winners

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Interfaith Older Adult Programs announces the 2017 Pearls of Wisdom honorees and community award winners. This year’s honors will be given out at the 12th Annual Pearls of Wisdom Celebration and Fundraiser on Thursday, April 27, at the Crowne Plaza Milwaukee West.

Interfaith is pleased to announce that Phyllis Mensh Brostoff, CEO of Stowell Associates Inc. and her son State Rep. Jonathan Brostoff are the first recipients of the “Generational Gem” Award. This award honors persons of different generations who have inspired each other, and as a result, have created new and better ways of providing service to others.

Phyllis co-founded Stowell Associates in 1983 with social worker Valerie Stefanich, and is now leading the organization as CEO. She is an active member of the National Association of Social Workers, both nationally and in the Wisconsin Chapter. She was also co-founder of the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers in 1985, and served on its national board and in every office, including President in 2009. She has written and published many articles about older adults, professional ethics and care management, and taught numerous seminars and classes to other professionals, locally and nationally.

State Rep. Jonathan Brostoff grew up volunteering and being a community advocate. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2011. In 2016, the University Alumni Association honored him with the Graduate of the Last Decade Award.

Working for homeless shelters and social service agencies, Brostoff habitually dedicates his time to helping others. His legislative goals include : disability advocacy, Hmong rights, deaf and hard of hearing issues, the rights of incarcerated individuals, and mental health care support.  Working to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health continues to be one of his primary goals. In the 2015-17 Session, he served on the committees of Mental Health Reform, Financial Institutions, State Affairs and Government Operations, Ways and Means, and Aging and Long Term Care. He was also a member of the task force on Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

“Interfaith is so grateful to have the opportunity each year at our Pearls of Wisdom event to recognize volunteers, and this year we have a new category of winners who so proudly demonstrate and support our mission of linking older adults with a caring community,” said Felice Green, spokesperson for Interfaith Older Adult Programs.

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