COVID-19/Facemask Policy

Effective Date:7/14/20


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has recommended that individuals wear facemasks or coverings in public settings.  In effort to keep our clients and employees safe and healthy, Stowell Associates requires that employees wear medical/procedure facemasks while with clients and while at the office.  There may be exceptions where different types of masks (N95’s) are indicated per a client’s care plan and approved by a supervisor.  In the absence of this exception, medical/procedure masks are to be used.


  1. All employees will be provided with procedure/medical masks and training for proper use of facemasks.  Wearing facemasks is not a substitute for social distancing practices.
  2. Stowell has an adequate, but not unlimited, supply of facemasks.  Conservation is essential to maintaining proper supply.  Facemasks can be re-used but need to be discarded if they become soiled, saturated or damaged.  Additional masks can be obtained at the office during regular business hours.  Requests for additional masks outside of regular business hours should be directed to the schedulers.
  3. Facemasks must be worn for the entirety of one’s shift or client visit.  Masks may be briefly removed to eat or drink, provided that social distancing (6’ or more) can be properly maintained
  4. Accommodation requests should be made through Human Resources, who will review in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  5. Failure to comply with this policy will result in corrective action, up to and including termination from employment.

This policy will remain in effect until further notice.

click here for More Information: Facemask Do’s and Don’ts for Healthcare Personnel