What you need to know about COVID-19Stowell is proactively preparing for possible effects of COVID-19 to you, your families and our clients. The World Health Organization (WHO) is reporting that the highest risk of severe disease and death for COVID-19 is for those age 60 and older and those with underlying health conditions. This is the age and medical profile of most of our clients, so we have to be extra mindful of preventing the spread of such disease.
With our shared commitment to each other, our clients and our community, what can we do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19? • Educate yourself. The symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath. If you, or someone in your household, is experiencing these symptoms, seek medical attention. • Stay home when sick. Caregivers should never work if they are experiencing a fever higher than 101, contagious cough, or diarrhea. We work with a very susceptible clientele, and we would never want to spread illness to our clients, client families, or fellow co-workers (or the community at large). If you need to be absent due to potential contagious illness, let the Care Coordinators know. • Practice standard precautions. You should always treat soiled linens, blood, and bodily fluids as if they might be contagious. Practice good hand hygiene. Cover your cough and encourage clients to do the same. Seasonal Influenza (Flu) remains a concern. Government health agencies are encouraging flu shots to decrease the severity and length of flu, as well as the potential to decrease the same for COVID-19. If you have not had a flu shot and you need help, including financial help to obtain one, please contact Human Resources. |